
Pat says…
Since the beginning of my journey as a young adult cancer awareness advocate, I have travelled across Canada and throughout the world, encountering many young adult cancer patients, survivors and caregivers who are telling their own stories. Keeping up with all the material is an exciting challenge! I offer here a selection of resources with which I am personally familiar and which I recommend.  All have one thing in common: the catalyst was/is a young adult voice.


  • Chasing Rainbows: Young Adults Living with Cancer (Chasing Rainbows Production, 2006): the film’s official site, linked above, contains detailed background on the project (Note: this is an archive site and has not been updated recently). The DVD is available in English, French or English with Spanish subtitles); you can purchase it by e-mailing Pat directly ( You can also view the film online (in sections) in English, French or Spanish at
  • Sara’s Story (Infinity Films, 2000): a 60-minute documentary that follows 25-year-old Sara Taylor and her family over the course of two years, through her diagnosis with a rare form of cancer, her treatments, surgery, and beyond. Sara’s Story is available for FREE download here. Note: link goes to a Dropbox download page, but you do not need to be a member of Dropbox yourself to preview and/or download the film. If a “create a Dropbox account” window pops up, just click the link at the bottom that says “no thanks, continue to view”. Note #2: once you’ve downloaded and are watching the complete film, you will see that it fades to black every once in awhile, in the spots where the TV broadcast version went to a commercial break. Don’t worry – it’s not over. Just wait a few seconds and the next section will begin!)
  • Films by Survive & ThriveWrong Way to Hope (2009), Ebb & Flow (2011), Valleys  (2013), How To Win A Tickle Fight (2016)
  • I Am Anna (ReThink Breast Cancer, 2015
  • I’m Still Here: Young Adults Living Life With Recurring Cancer (Callanish Society, 2015)
  • I Don’t Have Time for This! (Big Coat Media, 2010)
  • “Missed”: Stories of Young Adults with Cancer (Alpheus Media, LIVESTRONG Young Adult Alliance, 2010)
  • About Her (Rethink Breast Cancer, 2011)
  • The Fault in Our Stars (Temple Hill Entertainment, 2014)
  • Ebb & Flow


ONLINE: Live Streaming Radio & TV, Resource Hubs & Networks

IN PERSON: Speakers, Support Groups & Retreat Experiences

3 Responses to Resources

  1. May I share your link to these resources with others on our website?

    • pat

      I am pretty sure I replied to you elsewhere, but just wanted to say publically in case anyone else has the same question: yes, please feel free to link to this list wherever you think it might be of use!

  2. Hello! Thank you for introducing us to resources we had not known about, as well as giving us a look back to Mike Lang’s first documentary. We have placed these resources as well as the links to the new Valleys series on our site. Might we ask you to add The SAMFund for Young Adult Survivors of Cancer to your resource list for Support Groups, above. Thanks!

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